2010 Library GO Bond Request

$20,250,000 General Obligation Bond Issue

For New Mexico Libraries


The Legislature is being asked to support a bill authorizing Academic, Public School, Public and Tribal Libraries to be included in the November 2010 statewide GO Bond election.   We are asking that voters be asked to approve a $20,250,000 dollar bond package which will fund the purchase of books and other resources.
Once again, as in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008, this bond has the potential to make a huge difference to all New Mexico libraries, big and small.  All New Mexico citizens from Kindergarteners to Senor Citizens will benefit from funds included in this GO Bond. 


This 2010 Libraries GO Bond request breaks down as follows:

1.  $6.5 million for academic libraries

            To be distributed on a formula basis by the Higher Education Department to all academic libraries in the state.  This amount will allow academic libraries statewide to purchase supplemental library resources, including books, equipment and resources for academic libraries statewide. 

 2.  $6.5 million for publicly funded school libraries/juvenile detention libraries

            To be distributed both with a minimum per school amount and a per student allocation by the Public Education Department.  This amount will allow the purchase of resources including library books and library materials resources for public school libraries statewide.

3. $6 million for New Mexico public libraries

             To be distributed on a per capita basis to New Mexico public libraries by the New Mexico State Library. This amount will fund the purchase of books, electronic resources, equipment and planning for public libraries statewide.

4.  $1.25 million for Tribal libraries

      To be distributed on a per capita basis by the New Mexico State Library for supplemental library resource acquisitions, including books, equipment, planning and resources for tribal libraries statewide.

We ask all library supporters to urge their legislators to place a library bond issue upon the November ballot. The bill will be introduced by Rep. Ed Sandoval.

This 2010 Bond proposal is endorsed by the New Mexico Library Association, the New Mexico Municipal League, the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries, the New Mexico Task Force for School Libraries and the State Library Commission.

 “Bonds For Libraries” Committee & New Mexico Library Association Legislative Committee Chairs:

 Joe Sabatini, Co-Chair, 505-344-9212, jsabatin@osogrande.com

Cynthia Shetter, Co-Chair, shetterc@loslunasnm.gov

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